05 Windows & Exterior Doors – Preview

The construction drawings should have a “window schedule” which has a number assigned to each window on the floor plans. This table indicates the size and style of each window. Options such as grills, safety glazing and fall protection should also be indicated on the window schedule. While it can be tedious to review this information, it is well worth your time given the extra costs and delays that will occur if you must make changes after windows are ordered.

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The most common door height is 6’-8”. Taller doors are available, however, make sure your ceiling height can accommodate taller door heights. Most equipment and furniture will fit through a 36” wide door. Most front entry doors are 36” wide for this reason. Wheelchairs typically fit through a 36” wide door, therefore, it is logical to specify a 36” wide door at a first floor bedroom. Second floor bedrooms often feature 30” – 32” wide doors.



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Review Scope of Work with Installer prior to installation:

  1. Verify who is responsible for installing house wrap around window and exterior door jambs. There is a prescribed method for cutting, wrapping and securing the house wrap around these jambs. Your window and house wrap manufacturer typically provide instructions. This step is often skipped over or performed improperly.
  2. Verify who is responsible for installing the flashing around the jambs of windows and exterior doors. Flashing is often omitted by installers.
  3. Remind the window installer to install a bead of caulk at sides of window nailing flange if recommended by window manufacturer. This step is often omitted by installers.