17 Painting & Staining – Preview

This list of selections serves as a supplement to the Construction Documents (CD’s). Some of the selections below may be difficult to find or omitted on the CD’s. Check the CD’s for consistency with this list. Clarify with your contractor which document takes precedence for any inconsistencies.

The construction drawings should have a “window schedule” which has a number assigned to each window on the floor plan. This simple table indicates, among other things, the size of each window. Verify the width and height of each window on this schedule.

Common options for additional features are described below. Take time to review this information and communicate your selections to your architect and/or builder. Your selections should be identified on the window schedule and referenced in your contract.

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It is customary to apply the sealer/primer coat to ceilings and walls immediately following completion of drywall. It is also common to apply two coats of paint to the ceilings once the primer and drywall is complete and satisfactory. The first coat of paint should be applied to the walls once most of the lights are installed. The lighting can significantly affect the paint color.  The final (second) coat of paint at the walls is often applied after stairs, interior doors, moldings, flooring and wall tile are installed.