02 Site Utilities & Demolition – Preview
Principal & Accessory Structures
Your site plan should show the outline of your property, principal structure (house) and accessory structures. The location of accessory structures may have an impact on the location of your house. Verify relevant items below are shown on your site plan, even if they are in a future construction phase:
__ House __ Detached garage
__ Detached storage building __ Pool House
__ Attached Covered Porch __ Detached Covered Porch/Pergola
Proper drainage away from your house, at accessory structures, driveways or significant amenities is one of the most important issues to manage. You may benefit from a drainage plan completed by a civil engineer, especially if the elevation of your ground varies significantly from one end of your house to the other. If you have a relatively flat site with no accessory structures or amenities, you may not need a drainage plan.